Free Resources for Parents

Over 40 helpful websites to help you create a healthy home for your child.

Free Resources for Parents​

Over 40 helpful websites to help you create a healthy home for your child.

Parenting doesn’t have
to be guess work.

With over 40 free helpful websites available, you can learn how to raise happy and healthy kids.



Kahortagga gubashada

  • Burns (MEDLINEplus Health Information)

Badbaadada Baabuurka

Caafimaadka Carruurta

Caymiska Caafimaadka

  • Affordable Health Insurance  Free informational resources to help make informed decisions about their healthcare coverage; how to enroll in the state’s health insurance, the cost of plans, options for seniors and people with disabilities, and more.
  • Insure Kids Now (low cost health insurance for kids)

Maqnaanshaha Maqalka


Latex Allergies

Maamulka Daawada

  • Medicine (MEDLINEPlus Health Information)


Caafimaadka afka

SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome”)

Badbaadada Baaskiilka

Faraxumaynta Ilmaha

Badbaadada Ilmaha

Daryeelka Carruurta


Children with Diabetes

National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities

Mental / Social / Emotional Health

Head Start

  • Child Care/Head Start Partnership Study: Final Report (Education Development Center, Inc.) This report was developed by researchers at the Center for Children & Families to learn about the nature of early care and education partnerships and their impact on quality and access to services.

School-Age Child Care

  • Early Learning Guidelines The Early Learning Guidelines provide a framework for using what we now know about the importance of the early years to support later school success.


Maternal Health, Postpartum

Mental Health & Support Groups

Hel taageero bixinta daryeelka ilmaha.


Gudbi arji

wax ka beddel_1

Cusbooneysii codsigaaga


Eeg agabka bilaashka ah ee waalidka